SpyAgent offers extensive features and functionalities for computer monitoring. Is able to track all activities and events on a computer. Includes useful built-in reports to view how a computer is used, time spent on different activities, keywords typed, conversations through social networks or messengers, emails and much more.
Based on these reports, you can block certain websites and applications or filter them by keywords.
All activities are categorized and is easy to access quickly the desired logs. Each category (keyboard & mouse, website usage, program usage, email, chat, screenshots ..) has its own subcategories ready to be selected with one click.
Keystrokes can be formatted with one click and actions like Enter, Backspace etc. can be easily removed, if you want. It allows to save logs on a different files on your computer.
For each used program it will display the exact start and stop time, but also the total time. Saved screenshots can be viewed individually or as slideshow.
All events on that computer are shown in a different window and you can sort them by column names or apply filters to view only specific ones such as chat events, file, email, mouse events and so on.
It displays all emails sent and received, all websites visited and time spent.
Automatic screenshots can be taken at custom intervals for the active window or entire desktop.
The SmartLogging option allows to start the tracking/recording automatically, based on a custom list with keywords. When any of these keywords are detected in windows titles, website URLs, are typed etc., the tracking will start.
SpyAgent is able to send email alerts when one or multiple events occur: when monitoring is started, when certain and custom keywords are typed, certain windows are used and more. Is able to attach screenshots of desktop to these emails.
It includes built-in reports such as daily, most popular activities, top 10 applications used, top 10 websites visited and more.
You can add websites and keywords to allow or to block access to these websites or when the URLs contain one of the keywords.
The Website Category Filtering allows to block access for certain types of sites (dating, gambling, adult, social networks, gaming ..) and to block websites based on their content (adult, racism ..). You can also block the use of different programs.
It includes settings to choose a certain date to perform an automatic uninstall. SpyAgent will be completely uninstalled/removed at chosen date.
SpyAgent contains an array of features and is highly customizable. Practically, it can track all activities locally and on internet, keystrokes and different events. It can be successfully used by parents to monitor their children or by employers to keep an eye on their employees.